1 Visit the Devin Castle by boat

When visiting BRATISLAVA, lot of people decide to visit the Devin Castle, which is part of the oldest history of Slovakia. The majority of travellers simply take a bus to get there. You can use a more interesting mean of travel. A boat.
The history of Devin castle goes back to 9th century where a Great Moravian Church stood. The castle sprawls on a cliff above the rivers Danube and Morava. From the top of the castle you can admire the views all around.
Location: Port of Bratislava, between the Old Bridge and SNP
Price: Return boat ticket 12 €/p., Castle ticket 4 €/p.
Availability: April – September, 2 departures/day
2 Wine tasting in Svätý Jur
The quality of Slovak wine gets better and better every year. If you are a wine lover you should visit Lesser Carpathian Wine Region near Bratislava. The small family wineries are scattered in Pezinok, Modra, Šenkvice, Svätý Jur and other smaller villages.
I recommend you to visit the village of Svätý Jur. In the center of the village is situated Vinocentrum (Wine Center), where you can have a coffee, something small to eat and the most important – taste local wines.
Location: Prostredná st. 4, Svätý Jur, Western Slovakia
Getting there: By Bus or Train from Bratislava
Price: 6-12 €/person
Opening hours: MO-FR 17-21; SAT 13-21; SUN 13-19
3 Enjoy the atmosphere of Banska Štiavnica

Banska Štiavnica is a charming small town, which is listed in UNESCO World Heritage. The old town still preserves its medieval appearance. Nowadays the town flourishes again. Small shops with vintage and hand made products, cozy cafes and modern galleries.
You can spend the whole day strolling around the town through narrow streets. Visit the castle, enjoy a coffee, visit one of the mines or walk in the nature around the town.
Location: Banska Štiavnica, Central Slovakia
Price: Walk around is for free. Entry fees varies from 1-6 €/p.
Availability: May till October is the best
4 Make a trip to Peak Lomnicky
Peak Lomnicky is the 2nd highest peak of Slovakia. It is possible to get at the top with a cable car or with a mountain guide. The views from the top are just amazing. You can take the cable car in the village of Tatranska Lomnica in the High Tatras.
TIP: If you would like to make this trip in the summer season or simply on a sunny day, you should buy the tickets at least 1-2 days in advance due to the lack of capacity. You can buy them personally at the cash desk or online.
Location: Tatranska Lomnica in the High Tatras
Getting there: By car or by train from Poprad
Price: 47 €/person
Opening hours: All year round, except the days for maintenance
5 Listen to music in Belianska Cave
Belianska Cave is the only publicly opened cave in the High Tatras mountains. It is one of the most beautiful caves of Slovakia. At one point of the tour they always play classical music, what makes the tour more special. The tour takes 70 min., the length is 1,4 km and the temperature inside is about 6°C even in summer.
TIP: On a RAINY day, don´t postpone the visit to the afternoon. We recommend you to go there in the morning and to be one of the first visitors, because on a rainy day, everybody goes to a cave. If you come there at around 11:00, it´s already too late and you might spend in the cue even 2 hrs.
Location: Tatranska Kotlina in the High Tatras
Getting there: By car or by bus from Poprad
Price: 8 €/person
Opening hours: 27 Dec – 15 Nov. Closed on Mondays.