There are so many interesting things to know about Slovakia! Well, just like about every other country I guess. 🙂
Even though I´d like to present you these 8 interesting facts about our Tatra mountains in this blog post, that you probably didn´t know about.
1. The highest situated mountain hut
You can visit the highest situated hut in the altitude of 2250m. It´s Chata pod Rysmi (Hut under peak Rysy). It´s opened only during summer season from 15th June till 31st October. There are also some beds to spend the night, however not so many. But if you end up there in a bad weather, they would probably offer you at least a place on the floor in the dinning room. This hut is one of those supplied by Tatra porters. If you would like to help with supplies, you can. Just take something what is prepared in a small wooden shelter at Popradske pleso and you will get a free tea as a reward.
2. The longest hiking trail
Tatranska Magistrala is the longest trail in the High Tatras. It measures more than 70 km and it connects the most famous places like Podbanské, Štrbské pleso (Lake Strbske), Popradské pleso (Lake Popradske), Hrebienok, Skalnaté pleso (Lake Skalnate) or Zelené pleso (Lake Green). You can walk it from the east to the west or vice versa and sleep at the mountain huts. It would take you 3-5 days to go from one end to another, depending on your pace.

3. The longest ski slope
The longest ski slope is in the Ski center Tatranska Lomnica. You start skiing in Lomnicke sedlo and go all the way down to the village of Tatranska Lomnica. It´s about 6 km long and the vertical difference is 1300 meters. However the beginning of the slope is only for advanced skiers.
4. Highest situated botanic garden… and a hotel room
You can find the highest situated botanic garden in Slovakia at Peak Lomnicky, which is 2634m high. There is a small botanic garden with 22 species of flowers. It´s not much, but it is still a garden! At top of Peak Lomnicky is a building with observatory and even a hotel room, where you can spend a night. It means you can´t spend the night anywhere higher in Slovakia than there. And not even in the Central Europe.

5. The oldest hotel
The oldest hotel was built in 1893 in Tatranska Lomnica and it´s called Lomnica. It was in a desolate state for a decade, but fortunately it was refurbished just recently and now it looks majestic again. It´s situated right in the center of the village, next to a bus station.
6. The biggest winter attraction
The biggest winter attraction is the Ice Dome at Hrebienok. The scupltors create a new Ice Dome at the beginning of each winter and the design is different each year. For example this year it was inspired by Sagrada Familia from Barcelona. There is no entry fee and best to visit it as the beginning, when it´s freshly carved.

7. The biggest animal
The european brown bear is the king of Tatra mountains. They might weigh up to 350 kg and be more than 2 meters long. But you don´t have to be afraid of it, because bears are really shy and there is higher chance to see it by the road at night than during a hike in the nature.
8. Heaviest load
The heaviest load carried by a porter was carried by Mr. Kulanga. He carried 207,5 kg from Hrebienok to Zamkovského chata (Zamkovskeho hut). This route is 3 km long and normally takes about 1 hour to walk. Now imagine you are walking there with more than 200 kg on your shoulders.

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