You only have couple of days to spend in the Tatra mountains and I guess you are wondering which hikes you should walk and which places you should see. This weekend hiking getaway plan should help you to put together your hiking itinerary. Follow this short guide and visit the most beautiful places over three days in Slovakia´s Tatra mountains.
These hikes are of medium difficulty, so they are not going to please everyone. These hikes are not for those craving for a real challenge and also not for those who don´t like to walk a lot. You have to be ready to walk for about 15 km and walk uphill and downhill everyday. You can find these trails in a map. Just follow the names of places mentioned in the text.

Day 1 – Peak Velka Svistovka and Valley of Lake Green
In the morning go to Tatranska Lomnica and take the cable car to Skalnate pleso (Lake Skalnate). Walking on your own to Lake Skalnate is also an option if you prefer. However you will probably need energy later during the hike and most likely on the way back.
Skalnate pleso is a very popular place, situated under the 2nd highest peak of Slovakia – Peak Lomnicky. From there follow the red trail to peak Velka Svistovka which is just over 2000 meters high. From its top you will see one of the greatest landscapes – the whole Dolina Zeleneho plesa (Valley of Lake Green) and Belianske Tatras. From the top follow the red trail further until you come to the lake. The trail on the descent is steep and there is also a short part (about 40m long) secured with chains. If you have any previous hiking experience, this shouldn´t be any problem for you.
After lunch at the shore of Lake Green, which is surrounded by monumental 2500 m high peaks, you will follow the trail through forest back to Tatranska Lomnica.

If you would like to visit all of these places during a hassle-free trip, you can join our weekend hiking trip to the Tatra mountains

Day 2 – Hike to Lake Velicke below the highest peak
Start in Tatranska Polianka today and follow the green trail until you come to Velicke pleso (Lake Velicke) and hotel Sliezsky dom. No cable car today. Lunch at the shore of a lake is a must and you will also have this possibility today. Once you are there, don´t miss the Never-ending rain, a small waterfall, which never dries out. Look on the right side-hill, towards the end of the valley and you should spot it.
After lunch set out on the hike again and follow the red trail towards Hrebienok. You´ll be walking the famous Tatranska Magistrala trail. This part is mostly descending, however you can´t be afraid of walking on boulders. You´ll feel like walking through labyrinth in the mountain dwarf pines.
After reaching Hrebienok, you can go to Stary Smokovec or go to see Studenovodske waterfalls before going down. You will appreciate cooling mist around the stream on a hot sunny day. I know what I´m talking about. 😉
When you reach Stary Smokovec I recommend you to find for example restaurant Koliba Kamzik where you can charge up your energy after this hike.

Day 3 – Hike to Lake Popradske
In the morning you will finally visit one of the most beautiful and popular places in the Tatra mountains – Strbske pleso (Lake Strbske). It´s famous because of what?… yes, the lake with stunning surroundings. On a cloudless morning go directly to the lake and enjoy the views. Sometimes it gets cloudy later during the day and the views are gone.
Then set out on the hike to Popradske pleso (Lake Popradske), which is another beautiful place. The hike today is relatively easy, but the way there is spectacular. Just follow the red trail all the way to Lake Popradske and I guarantee you won´t miss the views. On the way back you have 3 possibilities. I recommend you to follow the green trail and then join the red trail again.
If you still have some time to go after you come back to Strbske Pleso, I recommend you to go to Koliba Patria, which is a restaurant situated directly at the shore of the lake. It´s great to sit on the terrace with your favourite drink and the landscape in front of you.

If you would like to visit all of the places mentioned above during a hassle-free trip, you can join our weekend hiking trip to the Tatra mountains